Football History was made When The Jazz-Barracuda Game Was Tied Using The SFL’s Unique 1-2-3 Rule.


History was made in New Orleans LA on Friday July 22, 2011 at Tad Gormley Stadium.  No where in the history of football did anyone ever witness a game that would live for all eternity.  The setting is as follows.  The game was tightly fought with the Jazz leading 3-0, 15 seconds left to play, and the Barracudas deep in Jazz territory.  Barracuda QB Daryl Hopper threw a pass that was intercepted on the Jazz 10 yard line and returned for a 90 yard Jazz touchdown.  When crossing the goal-line, the Jazz player was flagged for excessive celebration.  The extra point was wide right and the Jazz led 9-0.  Normally, this would be a two possession lead, but not in the Stars Football League, with the 1-2-3 rule.  The 1-2-3 rule allows a team to kick an extra point (1), run or pass from the 2 yard line (2) OR run or pass from the 10 yard line (3), after touchdowns.     

             Due to the excessive celebration penalty, the Barracudas returned the kickoff to their own 45 yard-line with 12 seconds left on the clock.   The Barracudas marched down the field and stepped out-of-bounds on the Jazz 16 yard-line with 3 seconds left on the clock.  On the next play, QB Hopper passed the ball into the end zone with no time on the clock.  The ball was intercepted, then lateraled, then fumbled by the Jazz and Tommy Conyers  (WR) of the Barracudas fell on the ball for a touchdown, reducing the Jazz lead to 3 points, 9-6.  With no time remaining, with the clock reading 00.0, Barracuda Coach Culpepper, elected to execute the SFL three point conversion.   

           There was no time left on the clock and the score was 9-6.  In all other leagues the game would have been over.  Dating back to the beginning of football history, no one has ever witnessed a three extra point conversion.  Only in the SFL, is this possible.  On the conversion attempt, QB Hopper want back to pass, faked the pass to the right side and ran  around left end, galloping into the end zone for the first, ever 3 point conversion in football history, thus tying the game (9-9) and sending the game into overtime. 

            After the Barracudas won the overtime toss, Daryl Hopper, the star of the 3 point conversion, throw an interception which was returned for a touchdown and the Jazz won the game 15-9.   

                Commissioner Pete Huthwaite said, “This was the most exciting game that I have ever witnessed in my life.  I couldn’t have been happier than to see the 3 point conversion attempted in this situation, thus sending the game into overtime.   We will finish the season in late August with more exciting games in the SFL.  History is being made every week in the Stars Football League, America’s Spring Pro Football League.”